
Healing Hearts Family 5K Walk/Run Will Benefit Ele’s Place Ann Arbor

Lace up your running shoes. It is time for the third annual Healing Hearts Family 5K Walk/Run to benefit Ele’s Place Ann Arbor. The walk/run...

Corner Health Center Introduces New Fathers For Family Program

Ypsilanti’s Corner Health Center began “Fathers for Family,” a new expansive department that helps provide resources and mentorship to new fathers-to-be. This service will...

Parents Struggle to Find a Work-Life Balance That Supports Children’s Mental Health

Parents often have to miss work to care for a sick child at home. In recent years, a growing number of parents are reporting...

It’s Tick Season: What You Should (And Should Not) Do If Bitten

When it comes to ticks, timely removal of these embedded pests is key as this reduces the transmission of saliva that could carry harmful...

Considering the HPV vaccine for your child?

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been recommended and approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration since 2006. According to the Centers...

Holiday Themed Workouts for the Whole Family

By Oriana Gulvezan (Coach O) It’s the most wonderful time of the year…to workout! As a fitness instructor and native Ann Arborite who finds my passion...

2022 New Year’s Resolution: Get Better Sleep

by Kimberly Blaker As we approach the new year, health is often at the top of resolutions.  One area of health that affects your entire...

Common Cold or Flu vs. COVID

Sniffles, sneezes, coughs and sore throats. Cold and flu season has arrived, but with an added symptom: COVID anxiety. How can parents and caregivers...

Prevent your Preschooler From Experiencing Social-Emotional Delays Due to the Pandemic

The pandemic has some parents worry about their children's social development. Here are a few tips on hitting those social milestones.

Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding: A Conversation on Infant Feeding

Breastfeeding or formula? It's hard to say which is better for babies. We spoke with local experts to get their opinion on which is best.

Mask Skincare: A Conversation with Local Dermatologist, Dr. Laura Ganger

Frequent hand washing and wearing face masks are necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately, with the increase in these practices, many people...

The Coronavirus: Going to the Dogs

In a time when families are spending most of their days at home, adopting a new pet has emerged as a trend.  The appeal...